Activity Objective 2: To Identify and Support Ten (10) IDP Families.

  1. Guy Noel Nyuyki (Class 6) (Mbimenyuy Marina, Fontar Nestor)
    • Kongnyuy Bertilla Javnyuy (class 6) (Tume Jude Mengnjo, Wirngo Epse Tume Gladys Wiyfengla)
    • BernyuyFaayong Charice form 5 (Tatah Oliver, Mabel Yenlanyuy)
    • Saret Kinyuy Form 5 (Mary Immaculate, Nivest Jingla)
    • ATA VELMA BIH form 3 (Bongbimi Electa Mumeng, Nfor lucy Kinyu
    1. Challenges
    2. Children Living in conflict zones;

    Eliminating illiteracy among teenagers by giving them entrepreneurial skills is one of TEGA’s top concerns. However, reaching those in need in conflict-affected areas of the NW and SW regions remains difficult due to fear and instability in these regions’ rural areas, where the need is highest. Youth engagement is hampered by the environment in many areas of the nation.

    However, TEGA has a chance to overcome this obstacle by putting in place unique strategies to engage these youths, like outreach initiatives.

    1. Ghost towns and lockdowns;

    In the Northwest and Southwest, Monday has not been considered a workday for nearly five years. In some regions of the nation, where Monday is not a working day and there may be lengthy periods of lockdown lasting as long as a month, hampering the appropriate execution of vocational training programs. The number of days and hours devoted to teaching youth the essential entrepreneurship skills—which are best acquired physically and through exercise are shortened.

    In times like this, TEGA intends to adopt online training sessions to avoid falling behind.

    1. Difficulties in Locating IDP families;

    Finding these IDP families is frequently difficult due to the displacement because the bulk aren’t well documented. They encounter difficulties in their search for refuge in big cities, such as getting access to the advantages TEGA offers to young people.

    In order to reach the required people and assist with their correct documentation for simple access and follow-up, TEGA plans on hosting seminars, conferences, and school speeches.

    1. Conclusion

    Despite these obstacles, TEGA was able to carry out and begin its operation successfully, reducing poverty and working tirelessly to ensure they reach as many IDPs and young people in need in Cameroon’s NW and SW areas, especially since some of these individuals had fled to other parts of the nation. The development of an educational facility in the littoral area aims to relocate residents from dangerous locations to safer surroundings. basically, calling for peace in Cameroon.

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